Sunday, March 10, 2019

Review: Adaptation and Appropriation

Adaptation and Appropriation Adaptation and Appropriation by Julie Sanders
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

After having to slog through an entire month of Foucault I have to say Julie Sanders was a veritable life saver! Every wonderfully short chapter was clearly labled and divided. She was concise and to the point. A lot of it I had already read with Gennette but it was really useful in regards to placing intertextuality in the context of postmodernism.

And precisely because she was so clear and concise I got loads and loads of illustrative quotes for my dissertation.

It's a great introductory book but I wouldn't recommend it for an in depth look at any of its subjects. I got some nifty names I'm going to look into, but Gennette was by far more detailed and complete.

View all my reviews

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