My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I had finished this book a year ago and for reasons unknown had forgotten to update the goodreads thing.
I was ridiculously proud of having finished it, since this is one of those books you read frantically in the hopes of skimming the chapters you need for school. You get a general idea, but you never finish it and if you do it's an effing miracle.
So a miracle happened and I finished it. REALLY a miracle. It's a difficult read, I'm not gonna lie. Especially difficult because after the first Ishmael-perspective chapters (and his awesome bromance with Queequeg) it gets really hard to follow characters around. I had to plow through the cetology and history chapters I even had to look up images in google to make sure I understood what the whaler crew was doing when Melville described butchering and hunting. Still, I'm a sucker for naval stories and this didn't disappoint.
I'm probably going to have to read it again because these parts of the book are still blurry and I probably can't locate half the characters I should. But now at least I can brag I finished effing Moby-Dick.
How cool is that!?
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