My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I'm an English major from UNAM in Mexico City. I'm graduating via a translation with commentary of Frances Hodgson Burnett's Sara Crewe. I got this book for research.
Though this wasn't particularly useful for me, it was an extremely interesting read and it honestly made me want to read a couple of children's books I hadn't heard of before. My classes in uni have been very lacking in children's literature. I mean obviously you take a look at the Alice books but I think mostly that's that.
What I really liked about this book was how it presented children's literature as part of the literary trends in each period. It's not removed or exempt from Romanticisim or Modernism of Post-modernism, it's all part of the same development.
I think a lot of us English students (or just literature students) come into this area of research because of the books we read as children and this book recognizes that. It isn't really a strange thought, that the books we read as children define the books we read or even WRITE as adults.
I would have liked it if they had a wider selection, but I think all in all they covered some pretty interesting ground. I'd definitely like to read more of their work.
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